Felix Hüthmair, an experienced manager from the plastics industry, is taking over as Head of Sales at Netstal. As a new member of the Management Team, he is responsible for global sales in the application-specific business areas.
Felix Hüthmair is returning to Netstal after 20 years in various management positions in Switzerland and Austria. The plastics technology engineer and qualified sales manager has over three decades of experience in the injection molding industry. From 2017, he headed the Technical Injection Molding division at Engel Austria. As Vice President Sales at Netstal, he reports directly to CEO Renzo Davatz. The latter had led the Netstal sales organization in personal union since spring 2021.
The new appointment to this key position will create an important basis for the targeted growth in the strategic business areas of packaging, PET, closures, and medical technology.
Renzo Davatz: “I am delighted that we have been able to appoint Felix Hüthmair, a well-known and experienced personality, to Netstal. He will enrich and strengthen our team. Together, we will be able to fulfill and communicate the claim of offering our customers maximum production efficiency even better.”
Felix Hüthmair already held a position at Netstal from 1997 to 2003. At that time, he was responsible for sales in the Asia and Oceania region as Area Sales Manager.
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